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39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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International Optimist Dinghy sailors, coaches, parents, and others in a position of influence agree to honor the spirit of Corinthian sailing and the fundamental rules of fair sailing. They pledge honesty and integrity, on and off the water, and adherence to the truth, which includes not breaking the rules that govern the sport of sailing or tolerating such behavior in others.

For the Sailor:

Each team member agrees that he or she shall be governed by this Code of Conduct at all times, not just at OCYC and/or OCYC / MAYRA  functions. Each team member also agrees:

  • to maintain a positive attitude and to be responsible for his or her conduct by following these rules and any others given by the coaches, hosts, or others in charge of a practice or regatta

  • to treat team members, coaches, competitors, regatta officials, parents and all others with respect

  • to follow all safety procedures given by coaches and other responsible adults, understanding the paramount importance of safety and to notify a coach or other responsible adult immediately if another sailor is in danger

  • to maintain appropriate behavior towards team members and not to tolerate rude or offensive conduct by any other team member, including excessive swearing, abuse of teammates, whether verbal, physical, or emotional

  • to respect the property of others and not steal, damage, destroy or borrow another's property without permission, nor tolerate such behavior by other team members

  • never to leave any training site or lodgings without first obtaining a coach's or a host's permission

  • to achieve excellent grades in school and not use practices during the school year as an excuse for not completing school work on a timely basis

  • not to use or tolerate the use by any other team member of alcohol, tobacco, or non-prescribed drugs;

For the Parent:

Each parent of a team member agrees that he/she shall be governed by this Code of Conduct at all times, not just at OCYC and/or OCYC / MAYRA functions. Each parent of a team member also agrees:

  • to follow the guidance of coaches at a practice or regatta in enabling personal development and independence in your sailor including: never rigging or de-rigging your sailor's boat, never interfering in coaches' briefings, staying out of the rigging area from report time until sailor dismissal by coaches so that the coaches can focus on their work with the sailors. These rules will only be waived in cases of emergency, impending inclement weather, or other unforeseen circumstances 

  • to maintain a positive attitude and to be responsible for your conduct as well as the conduct of your child by these rules and any others given by the coaches, hosts, or others in charge of a practice or regatta  

  • to treat all team members, coaches, competitors, regatta officials, parents and all others with respect and to show the sailors, by example, what it means to have a Corinthian spirit 

  • never to tolerate rude or offensive conduct by your sailor or any other team member

  • to follow all safety procedures given by coaches and other responsible adults, understanding the paramount importance of safety 

  • never to misrepresent a member's age and to comply fully with the unaccompanied minor program of any airline that might be used for a member to travel to or from a practice 

  • never to take a member including his or her own child from a team activity without first obtaining the permission of a coach or host

  • My signature shows that I have read and understand the Parent's Code of Conduct.

Explanation of Discipline:

Coaches and parents associated with the practices of OCYC are responsible for ensuring that exemplary behavior is exhibited by all members at all times, for enforcing the appropriate rules, and for applying discipline when appropriate. The following are guidelines that the OCYC and its designees, the Race Committee, the OCYC Coaches, and parents and hosts associated with the practices and regattas reserve the right and have the discretion to impose the discipline determined appropriate for the circumstances.

Level I Infractions

Disciplined at coach discretion and may include limiting practice or racing time.

Example: Failure to obey instruction of coach or any adult associated with practices.

Level 2 Infractions

Disciplined by limiting practice or racing time.

Example: Failure to obey coach's or host's directions after multiple warnings.

Level 3 Infractions

Disciplined by suspension from one or more future practices.


• Purposely damaging or destroying property of others

• Repeated incidents of behavior unbecoming a member of the Team

• Behavior or conduct which reflects poorly on the U.S.A. and or the Team at practices, regattas, or elsewhere, including, but not limited to: rude treatment of or talking back to judges, coaches, regattas officials, hosts, team members, or other competitors.

Level 4 Infractions

Disciplined by expulsion

My signature shows that I have read and understand the Explanation of Discipline.

You will be prompted to accept this Code of Conduct for both Parent / Guardian and Sailor during the online registration process

© 2025 Ocean City Yacht Club | 100 Bay Road | Ocean City, NJ  08226-4420

39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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