Since the Foundation’s inception in 2019, the Foundation has been able to provide $70,400 in total scholarships and grants to its funding programs, including:
- Nine need-based youth scholarships for participation in OCYC Junior Sailing Program
- Two maritime-education grants for junior sailing program educational internships
- Two travel grants to Olympic-trials sailors
- Donations to 11 maritime-related organizations
- Bayshore Center at Bivalve
- Great Egg Harbor River Watershed Association
- Mid-Atlantic Yacht Racing Association
- Ocean City Yacht Club
- Riverton Steamboat Foundation
- United States Coast Guard Foundation
- US Sailing Training & Education Foundation
- Wetlands Institute
- Preservation of OCYC sailing artwork
- Grants to OCYC supporting infrastructure and yachting equipment
- Supported the OCYC co-sponsored “Fishing for Kids” community event.