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39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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Membership in the Ocean City Yacht Club


Join the Ocean City Yacht Club to become part of the 122-year history of

maritime tradition, memorable social events, and meaningful support of our community.


Make the Club your bay destination during the summer season.  Whether you stop by to enjoy a drink at sunset, participate in sailing regattas, send the children to beginner sailing programs, or join in the powerboat competitions or fishing tournaments you will find a variety of activities going on at OCYC.  OCYC is a private club whose members enjoy access to the Club House, Commodore's Lounge, Porch Room, docks, boat ramp/crane and boat storage.  Explore the website to see the many programs that members can enjoy.

The Club also has many social events including Friday night bay races & sunset toasts, dining theme nights, weekly bridge competitions, local mainland golf outings during the summer and in Florida during the winter, clay pigeon shooting in our Sailor Shooting Club during the fall and spring as well as social, community & OCYC Foundation events and other activities.  

OCYC members are able to come to dinner when summer crowds make dining out challenging, stop in to meet a friend for lunch by boat, or just come down to enjoy the view of the bay.


1.  When advised by the OCYC Membership Chair of an opening, the applicant must supply two sponsorship letters and complete an in-person interview within 30 days of being contacted.  The two letters must be from current members in good standing who are not part of the same membership (e.g. a person and their spouse cannot supply separate letters). Applicants should consider providing the sponsor letters at the time an application is made to expedite the process.

2.    If the interview is not completed or sponsorship letters are not supplied within such 30 days, the membership application will be dropped from the waitlist.

3.    If accepted for membership, the $250 application fee will be applied toward your capital assessment fee. (If an applicant chooses to withdraw their application, or does not accept the offer of membership, the $250 fee is non-refundable.)

If you have questions about this process, please contact Membership Chairperson Kathy Bastian at 215-264-9518 or  Again, thank you very much for your interest in the Ocean City Yacht Club.



2025 Dues    Voting     Capital Assessment  Criteria 
 Adult Membership   $1200  YES  $3500*

 35 years old & older(no children over 5 years) 

 Family Membership  $1250  YES  $3500*

 Parent(s) with children ages 5 to 25

 Intermediate Membership     $400  YES  $1750*

 21 to 34 years of age

 JR Membership  $250  NO  $0

 Under 21 and not part of family membership

*The Capital Assessment is a one time, non-refundable payment

Members in good standing can renew their membership

by clicking the Member icon below and then selecting "view profile"

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© 2025 Ocean City Yacht Club | 100 Bay Road | Ocean City, NJ  08226-4420

39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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