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Area C Qualifier for the Chubb US Jr. Singlehanded and Doublehanded Championship

  • 09 Jul 2014
  • Corinthian Yacht Club, Cape May, NJ

Contact is Mark Penny


Note that this is Corinthian Yacht Club, Cape May, NJ.

Sailors must be between 13 and 18 (cannot turn 19 in the calendar year).  Both they and their sailing organization (school, sailing program,

yacht club, team) must be current members of US Sailing as well as

 their regional sailing association (YRA). There must be a minimum of

 five boats in the singlehanded and doublehanded divisions and three

boats in the triplehanded division, but normally there are more.  Each US Sailing Area will send two teams from each of the singlehanded and doublehanded divisions, except for Area H and L who will send one, and all will send one team from the triplehanded division.


These winners will go on to compete at the finals at Grand Traverse

Yacht Club in Michigan in August where they will compete in brand new Byte CIIs, Club 420s and identically tuned Interlakes.  


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39°17'34.4" N 74°33'54.0" W

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